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Posted in Fund Raising

Gaza now receives less than 4 hours of electricity per day leading to immense hardships.

Candle use resulted in home fires and many deaths. Some Palestinian families buy generators and fuel to generate the electricity but it is too expensive and most families live below the poverty line.

Others use the rechargeable lamps. It is not as expensive but can be used only in one room.
The LED system for lighting which VPM is funding is not as expensive (RM250), is available in shops and is easy to repair.

The LED System consists of a battery,  thin wires, 5 switches, 5 LED lights  for 4  rooms and 1 for kitchen. It works for 8 hours and is charged when electricity is available.

The VPM “LIGHT UP A HOME IN GAZA” project will light up:-

70 houses in North Gaza with Salam society
210 houses in Gaza City with Construction and Relief society
70 houses in Al Woustah  with Dar Al Yateem
70 houses in Khanuness with Islamic Society East Khanuness
70 houses in Rafah with Charitable Society for Relief and development


Rebuilding Gaza - January 2015

Posted in Projects in Gaza

At Viva Palestina Malaysia our projects are focussed on empowerment of the Palestinians through microcredit financing for women and university scholarships, as well as medical projects in partnership with medical NGOs.
However due to the severe weather this winter, we are also helping to repair houses for poor families at Gaza Strip, in order to protect them from winter cold and rainfall by providing new roofs, doors, windows and safe electrical connections.

Thank you Hani Thraya for your hard work in following through these projects.
Implemented By: Construction & Relief Charity Society - Gaza.
Targeted group: 20 houses.
Targeted area: Al Shejaeyia - East of Gaza City.

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VPM AGM 2014

Posted in Events

Viva Palestina Malaysia held our AGM on 3 December 2014.

VPM Chairman, Dr Musa Mohd Nordin went through the activities and highlights of the past year and VPM treasurer, Puan Sri Norma Hashimwent through projects carried out and funds disbursed.

Dr Musa Mohd Nordin reelected as Chairman
JamilahSheikh Abdullah reelected as Vice Chairperson
Azra Banu- reelected as Secretary
Puan Sri Norma Hashim reelected as Treasurer

We've streamlined our committees as follows:
Media and Publicity headed by Noraini Hashim
BDS headed Dr Zabrina and Dr Zahurin
Projects headed by Dr Musa and Norma Hashim
Govt Relations headed by Siti Jamilah
Awareness headed by Azra
Friendship headed by Husna

We also welcomed our new members Yousef Aljamal and Ain Zubaida Rosli.

In these photos everyone is studying the annual report intently.



Scholarship Program for University Students

Posted in Fund Disbursement

The project is aimed to help 595 Palestinian university students who were affected by the last war, by providing them partial scholarships of USD 250 per student, to help them register for their university intake 2014/2015 semester, thus enabling them to continue their education.

The project was implemented in cooperation with 7 universities in the Gaza strip, and these scholarships focused on students who were badly affected by the last aggression.

The students selection process was done with a proper criterion, and all universities had to abide by it. The criterion included, good educational attainment, student was badly affected e.g. their homes destroyed and student did not get any scholarship from other donors.

University name                                                                               Students Number
Islamic university of Gaza (IUG)                                                                    140
University College of Applied Sciences(UCAS)                                                140
Al Azhar university                                                                                         81
Al Quds open university                                                                                  80
Al Aqsa university                                                                                          80
Al Ummah for open learning                                                                            40
Palestine university                                                                                        34

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First Humanitarian Forum to Support Palestinians

Posted in Events

Chief.AljazeeraMiddle East Monitor report, 30 October 2014

Doha - Representatives of more than 60 charities from 27 countries have gathered in Doha to raise funds for the redevelopment of the Gaza Strip and other aid for Palestinians. Delegates at the “First Humanitarian Forum to Support Palestinians” organised by the Qatar Charity are spending two days discussing the catastrophe facing Palestinians, not only in the besieged Gaza Strip but also the refugee camps in neighbouring countries. [Kia Ora Gaza's international solidarity aid partners are attending this important forum, including Viva Palestina Malaysia. Editor].

The forum is being held under the auspices of the Prime Minister of Qatar, HE Shaikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, who attended the opening session on Wednesday. The need to disseminate information about the humanitarian crisis facing Palestinians, particularly but not exclusively in Gaza, is paramount following Israel’s latest invasion and ongoing military crackdown across the occupied Palestinian territories.

Pleas to lift the crippling siege on the Gaza Strip have fallen largely on deaf ears, one speaker told the audience, and with Egypt destroying the tunnels described by Western journalists as “Gaza’s lifeline”, the people of the coastal territory face enormous difficulties, with even basic necessities in chronic short supply. “This,” he added, “is no less than collective punishment, but who is holding Israel to account? While support for Israel from the US and EU is to be expected, why are China and Russia silent about what is happening to the Palestinians?”

While most attention has been focused on Gaza, for obvious reasons, the charities were reminded that the situation in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem is also dire. Israel’s Judaisation policies in the Holy City have driven away almost two-thirds of the Christian population, said another speaker. Addressing the conference via a pre-recorded video message, the Imam of Al-Aqsa Mosque pointed out that the Israelis are undermining the Islamic identity of Jerusalem by their policies. Shaikh Dr Ikrama Sabri told delegates that this is not a Palestinian issue alone; it should be a major concern for all of the world’s 1 billion Muslims.

Appreciation was expressed at the support given by the government of Qatar not only in Palestine but also other areas of the world facing humanitarian disasters. Information about the relief efforts of the Qatar Charity was given to the forum participants, who are being urged to mobilise and donate as much as possible for Palestinians in desperate need.


Posted in Events

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Malaysia to use United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to defend Palestine against zionist atrocities: Ahmad Zahid

5 DECEMBER 2014 @ 6:55 PM

PUTRAJAYA, Dec 5 (Bernama) – Malaysia is to use its position as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for two years from next year to intensify efforts to defend Palestine against the atrocities of the Zionist regime, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He said the government had decided that Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman would raise issues on Palestine at related meetings of the UNSC.

“Malaysia will surely play its role to champion Palestine and its people and, most importantly, save the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Zionists,” he told a press conference after launching the ‘Save Al-Quds Global Campaign’ here today.

The ‘Save Al-Quds Global Campaign’, of which Ahmad Zahid is the patron, is an initiative to enlighten the people on the critical state of affairs of Al-Quds and the Al-Aqsa Mosque as well as pressure Israel to stop the Judaisation of Al-Quds.

Ahmad Zahid said the existence of Palestine, now recognised by 134 countries, raised awareness among the international community on the need for its proper defence.

“Although some countries which are our friends are friendly towards Israel, we hope the growing support for Palestine will indirectly pressure the major powers that have supported Israel all along to bow to the demand of the international community which wants an end to violence,” he said.

Visit their FaceBook page : https://www.facebook.com/savealquds 

Watch Astro Awani:

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Rehabilitation Services to disabled children

Posted in Fund Disbursement

On 2 November 2014 inshaallah VPM will be starting our first project with Assalama Society providing assistive devices, psychological counseling, school bags and adapting homes for 400 children made disabled by the beastly attacks on Gaza this summer by the Zionist forces. Our aim is to get these kids back to school and ready to face the world again.

Assalama Charitable society distributed 200 school bags for kids with disabilities. The society has also started providing psychological support for wounded kids affect by the last war in Gaza strip. This project is funded byViva Palestina Malaysia and implemented by Effects for Consultation and Development.  It is hoped that the project will help kids with disabilities to continue their studies in schools and be able to integrate in the community. 

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Rebuiding Gaza Project @ IISS

Posted in Events

The Help and Care Society of the Islamic International School - Secondary (IISS) organised a charity fair to raise funds for the rebuilding of Gaza. The President of the project, Syed Adam Emir Putra gave a speech on this project:


All praises and thanks are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. May the peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his household and his companions. Ameen

Assalamualaikum wrb fellow brothers and sisters. I AM SYED ADAM, PRESIDENT OF THIS PROJECT, "REBUILD GAZA".
As you are well aware, the Help and Care Society is holding this fair to collect funds for our brothers and sisters in Palestine who have just experienced war.

Many of them have lost their homes and family members and are living under the rubbles and in community halls. In our humble capacity, we as muslims should feel obliged to help them.

Amongst the causes we will be assisting, would be to provide protection to those displaced people for the coming winter which will be very cold and wet. They would need at least some basic shelter, electrical heaters, blankets, food, and medical attention.

Allah states in Surah At Taubah, ayah 60.
Charity is meant for the poor, the needy, for those whose profession it is to distribute it, for encouraging (recent converts), for the (freeing) of bonded servants, for those (straining under a load) of debt, for use in the cause of God and also (to help stranded) travellers. These are the stipulated set by God, and God is full of knowledge and wisdom.

Allah also states in Surah Al Baqarah, ayah 261.
Those who spend their money in the cause of God is like that of seed grain. From it seven robust stalks rise, and each stalk contains a hundred grains. God gives abundantly to whomever He wants for God is enough of a provider and is full of knowledge.

From the above ayahs, it is an obligation for us to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. They are a part of us. They are our family.

So please spend your money for this good cause. Abu Hurairah (r.a.) reported Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.s.) as saying: "Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives, Allah adds to his respect; and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates him in the estimation (of the people)." (Hadith Riwayat Muslim)

Your money will be your witness on the Day Of Judgement.


Before I go, I want to take this opportunity to thank our team members who have helped put this event together, our school for allowing this event to happen, Viva Palestine Malaysia for giving their merchandise for us to sell and Dr Shady Abu Jalala who is our contact in Gaza for assisting us and giving us this opportunity to help them.

Jazakumullahu khairan kathira. Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

I would also like to welcome Hassan Radwan a former student from Palestine and he Graduated in the year 2012 from IIS Secondary.

23 OCT 2014

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Drinking Water Project 2014

Posted in Projects in Gaza

This is a project VPM did with the Charitable Society of Rafah

Targeted group: 100 affected families.

Targeted area: Rafah governorate.

To provide drinking water to 100 families affected by the last aggression for 3 months. 

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Back to School Project 2014

Posted in Projects in Gaza

Alhamdulillah many children in Gaza City received uniforms, schoolbags and stationery in time for the school year. Viva Palestina Malaysia worked with a few local NGOs to coordinate this project. Below is a summary of the distribution:

Name of Ngo: Dar Al Quran Al Karim Wa Sunnah.
Project Description: Distribution school bags with full stationary.
Targeted Group: 560 of school students who affected by last aggression on Gaza Strip and who associated to Quran memorizing centers.
Targeted area: All Gaza Strip (5 Governorates).
Amount of Fund: usd 14,000.

Name of Ngo: Rowad Society for Relief and Development
Project Description: Distribution school bags with some stationary.
Targeted Group: 1130 of school students who affected by last aggression on Gaza Strip
Targeted area: East and West of Gaza City ( Al Shejaiya , Beach camp , Al Karamah , North of Gaza City)
Amount of Fund: usd 18,000

Name of Ngo: Salam Society for Relief and Development, and Multaqa Al Rhmah
Project Description: Distribution school bags with full stationary and school uniform.
Targeted Group: 550 of school students who affected by last aggression on Gaza Strip
Targeted area: North of Gaza Strip ( Jabalyia, Betlahyia , Jabalyia camp)
Amount of Fund: usd 18,000.

Name of Ngo: Islamic Society of east of khanunnes
Project Description: Distribution school uniform.
Targeted Group: 1500 of school students who affected by last aggression on Gaza Strip
Targeted area: East of Khanuness ( Abssan , Khuzaah and Al Zannah)
Amount of Fund: usd 20,000.

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The Palestinian BDS National Committee

Posted in BDS


Dear BDS supporter, 
A month has now passed since the end of Israel’s massacre of the besieged population of Gaza.
Gaza may no longer be on our TV screens, but the medieval siege remains in place and Israel appears more determined than ever to press on with the expansion of its illegal Israeli settlements.  
As civil society organisations in Gaza have said, there is now a battle underway to ensure that Israel is held to account. The outcome of this battle will determine whether Israel’s latest assault will be yet another stage in Israel’s incremental genocide” of Palestinians or the turning point that will bring an end to Israel’s status as an entity above the law. The outcome of this battle depends on you.
Palestinians everywhere were inspired by the international outpouring of support for Palestine during the Gaza massacre. Hundreds of thousands of people across the world joined theAugust 9 Day of Rage protests initiated by organisations in Gaza. Israeli ships were prevented from docking at Oakland and other ports in the US. Israeli arms factories were shut down and protests were held at hundreds of retailers across the world that sells Israeli goods.
And we know that BDS is working: Israeli exporters are complaining that it's becoming impossible to export produce to Israel. Big companies like G4S and Veolia are scaling back their involvement in Israeli crimes. Latin American governments responded to public pressure by withdrawing their ambassadors to Israel.
What happens next depends on how strong we can build the movement. Get involved with the BDS movement today:
-       Read our Make an Impact (at http://www.bdsmovement.net/make-an-impact) page that is full of ideas on what products to boycott and how to be effective


KL Palestine Film Festival (KLPFF 2014)

Posted in Events

 KLPFF2014 is the 3rd and so far the best KLPFF that VPM has hosted. This time, the film festival expanded to include a charity bazaar, a photo exhibition, a book launch, even a cooking demo and we brought in 4 very good speakers:

  • Laila El-Haddad, author of Gaza Mom and co-author of The Gaza Kitchen: A Palestinian Culinary Journey, is a political analyst and social activist.
  • Yasmine Perni, producer of The Stones cry Out
  • Seba Asmaa El Mourabiti, an Algerian-Belgian photographer to showcase her photo exhibition on female Palestinian prisoners entitled, ‘A Suspended Life’
  • Sameeha Elwan, a contributor to the book, ‘Remember Us’

Each of the film screenings were to full houses and there was a steady stream of people in and out of the charity bazaar throughout the two days. The speakers attracted a crowd and what they had to say was eye opening for many.

VPM is particularly pleased with the response and interest form the non-Muslim crowd because our main objective for the KLPFF has always been to spread awareness to highlight the fact that the Palestinian issue is a humanitarian issue and not a religious one.

The film, ‘The Stones Cry Out’ about Palestinian Christians was popular with the Christians and as we had Yasmin, the producer of the film, she conducted very good and informative Q&A sessions about the subject matter of the film. In order to cover another aspect of the Palestinian crisis, we chose the film, ‘A World Not Ours’ as the premiere to highlight what it is like for Palestinians living in the refugee camps; for some, this film might have caused uneasiness but the film portrayed the reality and highlighted the hopelessness of the Palestinian refugees.

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VPM Song

Posted in About Us

Written, composed and arranged by prominent artistes but more importantly by those who share the passion for a free Palestine.

The video composition took longer than expected as the editor had to take multiple breaks as it was too much for him, emotionally. One of the girls in the video look exactly like a daughter of his.

'I cry and bleed inside whenever I hear the song. The tears of the dead child remains forever etched in our memories and God willing, inspire us to do more to end the occupation and free Palestine!'

Here is the link to Our Home. http://youtu.be/g37S_Ipa5YI

REMEMBER US - Book Launch

Posted in Events

The book, ‘Remember Us’ is a compilation of stories, narratives, poems by young Palestinians writers, edited by our own VPM members, Dr Husna and Dr Zabrina. The book was officially launched by YBhg Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir on 6 September 2014 in conjunction with the KL-Palestine Film Festival 2014 at Publika, Kuala Lumpur.


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The book is avaiable at palestinemall.net and will be in bookstores soon. In the meantime, you may watch the trailer of the book on youtube by clicking:   http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GAeeotv-uHs