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Field visits for Micro projects that supported by Viva Palestina Malaysia

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Field visits for Micro projects that supported by Viva Palestina Malaysia.

Since 2009 Viva Palestina Malaysia supported more than 80 of micro projects in Gaza Strip by giving small loans for poor families, these projects changed the life for benefited families and increased their incomes and gave them the chanced for depending on themselves instead of depending of humanitarian helps.

Where in 2017 unemployment rate reached to 41.7% in general and among youth it reached 66.8%, poverty rate 65%, deep poverty 30%, the rate of lack and absent in food security 72%, the huge increasing in the number of graduated students per year, all of these reasons guide us to work more and focus on supporting these kinds of micro projects by providing work chances through enabling unemployed persons from start micro projects by using micro loans system (Halal).

Rehabilitation poor families’ homes

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Project No. (10/2017)
Rehabilitation poor families’ homes.
Funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia VPM
Implemented By: Rowad Society For Social Development.

Project Description: The project aimed to rehabilitate 10 houses for poor families in Gaza Strip in order to protect them from winter cold and rainfall, by providing USD (1000) as average for each house.

Targeted Group: 10 of poor families in Gaza Strip.

Our deep thanks for VPM donors who contributed in helping these families and protected them from winter rainfall and cold, but more than 4892 of poor families are waiting for rehabilitate their house to fit with minimal standards of adequate housing that stated in human rights laws, any contribution can make the different for these poor families in Gaza Strip.

For more details you can watch following video that shows some of project activities.

Drinkable water for Palestinian families in Beit Hanoun City project

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Viva Palestina Malaysia and our partner from the UK, One Life Global joint project of drilling well and establishing desalination station to provide drinkable water for Palestinian families in Beit Hanoun City - north of Gaza Strip, this project will enable more than 10,000 persons to drink sweet and clean water, where latest statistics show the Gaza Strip suffers from a high percentage of water pollution that makes more than 95% of water undrinkable.

Milk distribution project

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Meeting with Khaled Abu Samra who runs the Charitable Association for Palestinian Relief, our partner for milk distribution and regular mobile clinics at Palestinian camps in Syria. These are small but crucial projects and every medical week serves over 1,000 residents who live under siege and have no access to medicines or medical care. Please continue to donate so we can keep these projects going.

Distributed 1000 cans of baby milk to refugees around Damascus

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Over the last week of September, Viva Palestina Malaysia with our partner in Syria, the Charitable Association for Palestian Relief, distributed 1000 cans of baby milk to refugees around Damascus who still live under harsh conditions, in Yarmouk, Khan Eshieh and Qudsiya.

Inshaa Allah we will also be conducting our 7th weeklong mobile clinic to serve the besieged residents of Yarmouk soon.

Eid Adha Mubarak! For the poorest families in Gaza

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Eid Adha Mubarak! For the poorest families in Gaza, this is one of the rare times they can eat meat.

Alhamdulillah this year we have distributed meat to over 2500 families in need with the qurban of 8 cows and 14 sheep for Gaza, as well as a cow and 5 sheep for the Palestinian refugees at Yarmouk in Syria. Jazakalllah khairan to all donors including those who donated through the UK NGO One Life Global Welfare , and to Hani Thraya for your hard work organising the Gaza project from purchase to sacrifice to distributing the meat.

Distributing Qurbani Meat Project

Posted in Fund Disbursement


Despite the higher price of animals in Gaza due to the 10 year siege, the animals are bigger than ours.

Average weight of cow - 550 kg
Sheep - 60 kg

Engineer Hani Thuraya our VPM rep has bought 7 cows & 11 sheep for Qurban 2017/1438

May Allah accept our Qurban for the poor & needy in Palestine, the land of the Abiya' (prophets) & Syuhada' (martyrs)

Pictures showing Preparation for Qurban for Palestine.

Enjoy and learn swimming

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Final ceremony for project No. (28/2017)
Enjoy and learn swimming.
Funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia - VPM
Supervised By: Rowad Society for social development.
Implemented By: North Gaza Culture Center.

Activities: Friday (28/08/2017)
- Final competitions between best trainees.
- Distribution gifts and motivations for winners.
- Trainees' graduation.
- Giving advice by Naval Police for trainees about safe swimming.
- Enjoying in free swimming at final day of camp.
- Drawing smiles on Palestinian children faces.

Our great thanks for all donors who contributed in this project, may Allah reward you.

Providing Milk Formula

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Qudsiya village is located 10km from Damascus. It was previously under blockade causing severe food shortage until the rebel fighters left . Alhamdulillah we got approval to run the milk distribution project so last week Viva Palestina Malaysia distributed 200 cans of milk to babies and toddlers at Qudsiya.

Rehabilitation poor families houses in Gaza Strip

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Project No. (10/2017)
Project Name:Rehabilitation poor families houses in Gaza Strip.
Targeted group:10 of poor families in Gaza city and north of Gaza.
Fund by:Viva Palestine Malaysia.
Supervised & Implemented By: Rowad Society for social development one of Palestinian local NGO in Gaza Strip.
Beneficiaries Name: Mahmoud M. S.
Family members: 6.

Mahmoud’s family live in north of Gaza governorate near Al Slateen area, this family live in extreme poverty condition, where family’s father is jobless, they live in two small rooms with inadequate facilities “bathroom & kitchen” , the house’s roof is very old and bad, and this make rainfall enter into house in winter season.

so in order to reduce the suffering of Mahmoud’s family and protect them from rainfall in winter, VPM worked on changing the old roof to new one with installing all needs to make the new roof fit for house.

as stated in updated reports, more than 5000 of poor families in Gaza strip need to rehabilitate and furnishing their houses to match the minimal standards of adequate housing that are consider one of simplest human rights that these poor families are looking for.

Prevention of Apartheid in Israel/Palestine Advocacy Campaign

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Project No: (29/2017)
Project Name: Prevention of Apartheid in Israel/Palestine Advocacy Campaign.
Project description: The project aims to advocate the monitoring and defense of international law and human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia.
Implemented By: The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor – Gaza Regional Office.